Good morning (Sunday, December 4th 2017) from Rosebud Camp! I had a great 8+ hours of sleep as I slept much better compared the night before due to various factors (e.g. didn't use a blanket that I forgot I had in my storage tote, 1st night, getting used to cold weather, etc..) . As I was taking pics of the camp before leaving, there was the daily morning prayer along Canon River across from me at Oceti ..
Standing Rock: Day #3 -Leaving Rosebud Camp (Sun. Dec. 4th 16')
As I was leaving, I met a college student (lady) that was just arriving. She goes to college in New York, but is originally from Florida. This was a common thing here as people come and go. As I drove off, I was a little happy to go home, but also sad to leave this place that became a temporary home for me.
*see more pics from the camps at Standing Rock on North Dakota: Standing Rock or https://www.facebook.com/SalPhotoVideography/
As I left Rosebud Camp...I saw flocks of people and cars coming north to Oceti..
I drove back to the area close to Sacred Heart Camp to drop some "extra stuff" (e.g. clothing, food, etc..) at the church I was trying to connect with prior to the trip. I wanted to bless the folks of this reservation through them whether or not they were for or against this #IStandforStandingRock . Here is the video I took as I left to South Dakota from here (Canon Falls, North Dakota)..
Road Trip Vlog Pt. 3: Driving from Standing Rock Sioux Reservation's Cannon Ball to SE Region ND
As I was getting close to the ND border, I saw a pick-up truck off the side of the highway from the opposite direction. I decided to stop and be a "good" Samaritan to help this young "Native" man. A lady (Caucasian) who stopped by also tried to help and offered her phone, so he can contact his friend to help him. Unfortunately, his friend didn't answer. Thus, we decided to help him. A guy (Caucasian) from Tennessee happen to be driving by, which he offered his help to pull this young man's truck that was stuck in the snow off the highway. The young man had a tow rope, but broke off during our 1st attempt. I ran back to my car and got my tow rope and tried again. I somewhat helped by pushing his truck as it was being pulled. Praise the Lord! We were all able to help this young man and he drove by me to say thank you as we all departed our own ways (see video above as I explained).
"Border between North & South Dakota"
South Dakota
It was a beautiful drive through Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Reservation this early Sunday morning (December 4th 2017), which I enjoyed the scenery and quiet time with God (listened to Christian radio).
Road Trip Vlog Pt. 4: Driving from NE Region SD to SE Mobridge SD
As I was leaving the reservation and getting close to Mobridge, South Dakota. I was listening intently to NPR (National Public Radio) on one of the tribal leaders' interview on the situation on Standing Rock. Feel free to listen to it on the video above.
*see more pics of South Dakota: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Reservation or
It was 10:30ish in the morning and I decided to find a "local church" to attend Sunday morning service in Mobridge..
I found Family Life Church as I was drawn by the name and found it via "google search" GPS app on my phone. When I came in, the people were very friendly. I then went to the bathroom to wash up, which was the first time in 3 days to do so..hehe! It felt great using "warm" water! As I chatted with some people there, they seem to back off every time I told them I was visiting Standing Rock. It seem like it was a controversial topic, which I expected it'll be prior to this trip and anticipating the same feedback when I go "home" (Morris, MN). Thanks for reading and feel free to check my facebook pics above for updated "edited" posts and your welcome to see my other album -> Road Trip: Morris MN to Standing Rock SD & other blogs on the many topics from this trip-ongoing movement!
Please continue to lift all these local, domestic/national, and global events (#standingrock #nodapl #nosabal) related to the growing number of pipeline construction and global events (e.g. Middle East, Syria, Russia, etc..) overall. God bless!
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